Have a healthy snack within 2 hours prior to your visit and also 2 hours after your visit. This will help reduce the chance of feeling lightheaded after your treatment.
Use the restroom before your appointment. This will allow you to fully relax and focus on healing.
Keep your body warm before, during and after you treatments. The body heals itself best when it is without undue stress. Avoiding cold beverages, cold food and cold weather help the body heal faster, especially during winter months. Adding a scarf to your attire is an easy way to keep the body warm. Notify your practitioner if you become cold anytime during the treatment.
Clear your mind during your treatment. Silence your phone and other electronics. Try to clear your mind from any stressful or negative thoughts. Avoid solving any current life problems. Instead, focus on being present in your body. You can do this by scanning your body head to toe while noticing any areas of tension and envisioning those areas releasing.
Breathe deeply during your treatment. While you are resting, deep breathing will help to circulate and unblock any areas of pain. You may simply take a few deep breaths, or you may count slowly 1-2-3-4 seconds on the inhale and 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 on the exhale and repeat this 4-5 times with breaks of normal breathing in between. Exhaling for twice as long helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system and allows for deeper relaxation. Deep breathing should never feel strained. Feel free to modify the exercise so that it feels natural for you.
Drink plenty of water 2-4 hours before and within 24 hours after your treatment. This will help pass through any toxins that may have been released during the treatment. It will also decrease the chance of having muscle aches or spasms the day of or day after your treatment.
Avoid alcohol consumption 24 hours before and 24 hours after your treatment. Alcohol can stunt the body’s ability to heal itself. It weakens the immune function and dehydrates its essential fluids for healing. It is best to limit or avoid alcohol altogether during your series of treatments.
Facial Rejuvenation patients, remove make-up prior to your appointment. This will help prevent acne and allow for a more effective treatment. You may also remove your make-up at the clinic.
Notify your practitioner of any health changes or concerns. Communication with your practitioner is essential in getting the most out of your acupuncture treatments. Be sure to notify your practitioner of any health changes or concerns as they arise.